CANADA GOOSE - doing their bit

In these uncertain times of COVID-19 most factories around the world have shut up shop to ride this out. Canada Goose have bravely reopened two of their factories to start manufacturing medical supplies to help those most in need and support the amazing teams on the front lines.

Chief Executive Dani Reiss announced that production of scrubs and patient gowns, which are in short supply around Canada, will start early next week. Approximately 50 employees per factory will facilitate a goal of 10,000 units. The two factories in Toronto and Winnipeg will distribute these supplies locally for free. 

"Now is the time to put our manufacturing resources and capabilities to work for the greater good," Canada Goose chief executive Dani Reiss said in a statement.

"Our employees are ready, willing and able to help, and that's what we're doing. It's the Canadian thing to do."

We applaud the kindness of the Canada Goose team.In times like these we all need to help one another as much as possible.

As a sign of respect we will be giving away one PBI vest during the lockdown period in New Zealand,  Simply join our mailing list to enter. The prize will be drawn on the 25th of April (ANZAC DAY).

Stay safe, stay isolated.

Te Huia Team x